Chief Minister of Melaka, the Rt. Hon. Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam, who is also the President of the World Assembly of Youth (WAY), strongly condemns the irresponsible and inhumane acts of the Israeli forces in attacking the innocent citizens of Palestine, especially the women and children.
Mohd Ali strongly calls for the United Nations to immediately send an international peacekeeping force to the Gaza Strip to bring peace in the area and prevent any further losses of innocent lives due to the inhumane acts by the Israeli forces. The United Nations should also make a very strong stand and force the Israeli troops out of Palestine. The unnecessary killing of innocent people in Palestine must be stopped immediately.
Mohd Ali also called for the United Nations to immediately convene an emergency sitting to discuss and come up with workable resolution to put an end to these atrocious, irresponsible and inhumane acts of the Israeli forces. Mohd Ali also urges the governments of the United States of America and Britain to intervene to stop the Israeli forces from taking the laws into their own hands and go on killing the innocent people, especially the children of Palestine.
Mohd Ali also strongly supports the call for the United Nations to set up an international criminal tribunal for Israel to prosecute Israeli war criminals. He said that the UN General Assembly must establish an international criminal tribunal for Israel (ICTI), in view of the recent Israeli atrocities against Palestine which would emulate what the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) did for victims of international crimes committed by Serbian and the Milosevic regime in the Balkans. It is hoped that the ICTI would, among others, provide justice to the victims of Israeli war crimes.
Naikkan cukai barangan USA yang support Israel, termasuk francais2 mereka.
Walaupun org kata byk bumiputera yang pegang francais2 tu, tp sampai bila kita nak tunggu mereka tukar perniagaan??? Org berniaga mana akan tukar perniagaan kalau perniagaan itu mengungtungkan.. jd kita adakan reason untuk mereka bertukar ke perniagaan yang lain. Goverment boleh bantu mereka ini agar tidak bangkrup semasa peralihan perniagaan berlaku.
Utk DSAR: Saya sokong DSAR untuk bertanding Timbalan Presiden UMNO dan Insyallah Malaysia. Jgn bersedih YAB DSAR, walaupun peristiwa di KT baru berlalu, saya akan sentiasa berjuang bersama DSAR selagi BN tahu dan sedar akan punca sebenar kelemahan kerajaan dan berusaha membaikinya.
Kalau diizinkan Allah SWT dan DSAR berjaya, minta perbetulkan dengan cepat dan tukar cara kerajaan menjalankan pilihanraya. Jgn lakukan benda yang pelik2 semasa tempoh berkempen pilihanraya. Seperti memberikan projek2 yang byk kepada org ramai dan bantuan2 yang tiba2 kepada org susah. Semua ini sepatutnya berlaku sebelum atau selepas pilihanraya dan bukannya semasa pilihanraya. Kalau kerajaan dapat atasi masaalah ini akan kuranglah perasaan sangsi rakyat mengenai rasuah yang membelenggu BN.
Mereka yang tidak disukai oleh public jgn dibawa semasa berkempen kerana hanya akan menanam sifat sebalik nya dari yg diharapkan.(saya terpaksa tulis.. KJ + Ezam) Mungkin bersihkan dulu imej mereka sebelum dibawa turun berkempen bersama jentera. Maaf DSAR, ini adalah kenyataan.
Terima kasih.
Org Melaka
Terima kasih diatas sokongan dan doa tuan. Kami harap agar segala pandangan yang tuan ketengahkan akan mendapat perhatian dari pihak-pihak yang berkenaan.
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