PUTRAJAYA: The pole position in the impending Umno election race has changed drastically since nominations were last tallied, according to a Universiti Malaya survey concluded last month.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who secured about twice the number of nominations as his competitors for the deputy president's post, is now said to be lagging behind his closest rival, Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam, who has the support of 54 per cent of delegates compared to his 35 percent.
Another candidate, Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib, remained in third place with 11 per cent of the votes in the survey conducted by Prof Dr Abu Hassan Hasbullah's Zentrum Future Studies Malaysia of the university.
The survey had some 2,030 respondents, including 163 Umno delegates. The survey of Umno ordinary members showed that 47 per cent wanted Ali as deputy president. However, if the numbers were lumped together, the difference in support for Ali and Muhyiddin was a mere two per cent, with the former securing 43 percent.
The micro study on Political Influences of the 2009 party election, in detailing the strengths and weaknesses of the three candidates, said that a majority of candidates concurred that Ali is top in terms of "popularity, diplomacy" and "political experience".
Saya percaya DSAR akan menjadi Timbalan Presiden Umno yang baru! Hidup DSAR!
Hisyam, Selangor.
Terima kasih diatas 'confidence' anda terhadap Datuk Ali. Dalam senario politik sekarang, Umno memerlukan pemimpin yang berpengalaman luas dan mesra rakyat.
Datuk Ali seorang pemimpin yang amat prihatin dengan keperluan dan rintihan rakyat, maka dengan itu jawatan Timbalan Presiden Umno memang layak disandang oleh Datuk Ali.
Apa pandangan anda?
NST 12 March melaporkan, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd Khir Toyo berkata, "I understand that Ali is also in danger of being disqualified," refereing to Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam, a candidte for deputy president.
Betul ke ini berlaku? Bahaya tu!
Mat Tampin
Ini berita lagi hebat dan lucu! Laporan NST 12 March "Survey results not accurate".
Prof Dr. Ahmad Atory Hussein dakwa kaedah 'survey' yang dijalankan oleh Prof Dr Abu Hassan dari Universiti Malaya tidak tepat.
Prof Dr.Abu Hassan telah jalankan kajian yang teliti untuk mendapatkan 'survey results' yang boleh diyakini. Manakala Prof Dr. Ahmad Atory menjalankan survey mengunakan SMS.
Alahai.... macam akademi fantasia aje...
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